Heh..thanks. It's been 12 years or so since I last attempted drawing a car picture, outside of silly comics. I got the top too high, and slightly tilted..but that's what I get for inking zoomed in so close. >.< (I had planned on fixing it, but being zoomed in, I just forgot about it. By the time I noticed, I was already done. Silly me.)
~Heh..I think I've put it of for a couple of years. So summer's not bad, considering the rate of my procrastination. XD (I have pictures I've owed some people for over a year..a plushie for nearly two years..and 80% of my character's backstories have been put off for a good 4 years. D= ) So it could be worse. You could be a lazy procrastinating sillyhead like me. =D
*on a side note* I was planning on doing several others first, but last night I took a break from this and did another
meme, and really liked this one doodle(#7)..I'm going to re-do that, in a bigger version, for "Family".
Edit note: Family & Stars are both up.
Family ~ Blake's got that expression like he's about to do something evil. Perhaps slip a spider down Fox's shirt or something. Slightly frightening as it is, I actaully find Blake fairly attractive. ^^;
Stars ~ Oh, gosh, I haven't drawn this guy in YEARS. I dunno how the picture came about. *shrug* Zippo's always been one of my favorite quad characters, and I've been itching to see what he'd look like in anthro version. I think he turned out very cute. <3 (and that tail....I freaking love his tail....even more than Dragos')