... O.o
I feel mildly responsible for this terribly depressing tangent. XP
Yeah, it stinks to be like that in a non-medicated way, too... but then you giggle at something stupid and the world seems slightly better for just a moment.
(Secret to happiness: slap on an idiotic grin and giggle dumbly at EVERYTHING. Or, ya' know... that cheesy saying that they stick on every conceivable surface these days. Live, laugh, leprechauns... or something like that. I think I like my version better. But I don't know... there's just something about those leprechauns... O.o Okay, well, whatever works for you... but you'd better be laughing hysterically/stupidly/manically, or whatever works for you, when you go!)
And hey, we're actually talking about something I'll know a tiny portion about!!!
I've been sort of playing Skyrim... sometimes. Mostly when I get home and no one else is here and I don't feel like being productive.
In the last week or so, I think I traveled to one or two other cities. And I took everything they would let me have. XD XP
This sounds scoffable, I know, but in the two times I did this (someone deleted my first character... *cough cough, Dragyn...* O.< ) I learned how to walk in straight lines, which was NO LAUGHING MATTER.
(Only that contradicts my secret to happiness. D: Perhaps you should laugh, just to be safe. You would have, anyway, if you were there. XP )