Heh... hands are hard...
That one, for example, looks almost sort of manly. XP
Ah, well. I guess it's more like my hands, actually...
Aw... that's not true, Blood. You do some pretty cool stuff that I fear isn't really in my book of things that I can do... like your understanding of mechanical things, some armor types, and some other concepts... I don't really feel comfortable with trying to portray those subjects, because I don't know enough about them. (Been meaning to look it up, or something, but...
) '=J
Heh. But thanks.
Both of you... '=)
It was all a grand experiment, really... XP
And the hair was probably the best part, as far as fun and interesting things to do.
Of course, I'm gonna' not like everything about it. Like the bulging arm/elbow, funny legs, so on and et cetera...
But... that's sorta' normal, for me.
I think it was okay for an experiment with ink... and I do believe it will fetch some extra credit.
(Biggest goal to be met? I think so.)