Meh. Glad to see you've joined us, on this challenge.
Well, Horror or Blood, it certainly would've worked for both.
The perspective's fun though. 8D
Your older version? Hm. I like it.
Drowning, I might point out a suggestion or two for...
Mostly involving how the profile and front views of his legs are a little backward in size (the front view is thicker than the profile) and how, well, considering that the face is at a bit of an angle... and that you usually have a bit of a snout on that type of critter, and I'm assuming you do, now... I'd think there should be a bit of a suggestion that his face actually does that.
The blue is fun though. I have no clue how you did that. XD (Other than a partially transparent layer. 'Tis about all I know.
Hm... I need to take some time for my 100 Theme Challenge...