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Author Topic: What have you been playing?  (Read 29330 times)


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What have you been playing?
« on: March 17, 2011, 04:48:42 AM »

I recently bought and completed Guilty Gear 2: Overture.

Unlike other GG titles, Overture is a 3D tactical brawler, similar to Brutal Legend, Samurai Warriors and Bladestorm.

The single player campaign is short, but felt about the right difficulty, such that only a couple of challenges overstayed their welcome.

The characters felt well differentiated, and I found myself wishing I got to play as some of them more. Ky get's particularly short shrift, he becomes an NPC that you must escort and protect, rather than a playable character, when he gains his most potent abilities. You never really get to play as Valentine or Paradigm, but they're lame, so I don't care.

Positioning troops and then supporting them with your own might is paramount on some levels, but other times it's just you against the hordes, with nothing but your own skills to keep you alive.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 10:58:07 PM »

Gone through a few games since the last post.

Spiral Knights: Zelda: Four Swords meets World of Warcraft's instanced dungeons.

 Solid gameplay, reasonable F2P balance for Co-Op and PvE. Sells PvP power, but it's tradable. Lots of cool weapons that actually play different. Crafting system has serious flaw in that energy used to play is consumed by crafting, so players often have to decide between playing today, or crafting a better weapon to use tomorrow. Regular content patches keep the random dungeons fresh.

Terraria: Minecraft meets Diablo II.

Cool game if you have enough people to play with. Not really enough content to keep the gang engrossed, and you tend to run out of new bosses to fight before you maax out your gear. What am I supposed to do with my uber gear, since I killed all the bosses to get it?

PvP might add some longevity, and Hamachi lets me build with friends who have moved away, but the game feels played out after just a week or so. Glad I bought it on sale.

Dragon Nest: Clan favorite Dungeon Lords meets tragically flawed Nexon Classic Dungeon Fighter.

This sounds like  recipe for joy, but only in the same way that you might put puppies and birthday cake in a blender and expect liquid friendship to come out. The reality isn't quite so pleasant.

It should work, but it just doesn't seem to. The deal breaker stamina system that drove us away from Dungeon Fighter is gone (the replacement is nearly invisible and perfectly harmless), and the combat is smooth, tactically rich and largely unaffected by normal ping times. Nobody ever wants to play this game with me.

I haven't got far in this one, but I'm not sure I'll make it much further. An MMO where PCs come with a story and a little personality is nice and all, but the character who I like most mechanically (the sorceress) is thoroughly unlikable. Her motives are almost designed to be at odds with those of the player. No matter how badly you want to get into the dungeons and kill some mobs, she has to talk to every person in town twice, in the right order, before she'll shift her lazy bones and do some adventuring. I hate her so much, I hope her story line ends with painful come-uppance.

Killing mooks is a load of fun, and I wish she would let me get on with it.

Also the game is too easy by default, and you have to clear easy mode, to unlock normal mode, to unlock hard mode, to unlock even more difficulty levels that will still feel to gentle to veteran gamers. It's like the designers have no conception of what a difficulty selector is actually for so I don't have to play games that are too easy!

This isn't rocket science, or even puppy based alchemy, it's games design 101. Relatable characters + customizable challenge + existing good game mechanics = winner.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2011, 08:09:35 PM »

Oh man...Puppy Based alchemy sounds both awesome and horrible. :P

I've basically been playing the same things as Blood has.

Thus far, I've actually enjoyed Dragon Nest.  I admit, though, that having played one character through each starting town, I'm already tired of both of them.  That said, the combat is awesome.

I haven't tried the sorceress yet, though.  I might like her, mechanically, but I haven't been able to get past the personality to actually play.

Spiral Knights is fun, but I never seem to be on when anybody else feels like playing.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2011, 06:17:38 PM »

With the latest patch, UFO: Afterlight runs on my new machine like a dream, but that game exhausts me.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2011, 07:44:52 PM »

That game looks fun, but I haven't the patience for it, I'm afraid.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2011, 01:24:29 PM »

Crackdown 2.

I never played the first one, so I can't speak to how it stacks up, but the freedom that made the franchise so famous seems pretty absent to me. There just isn't that much to do and accomplishing a mission objective often makes nearby mini-games unplayable and detrimental to your character's growth.

That's not the real issue I have with this game.

I hate the narrator.

I hate him in so many ways.

I wish I could hate him to death.

"The Voice of The Agency" is your character's father figure and mission control. He's constantly barking irrational orders and deriding you for not being as perfect as your older brothers. The constant barrage of verbal and emotional abuse he heaps on your Agent is sickening on so many levels.

One main object of the game is to get him to give you the keys to the Agency Tank. To do this, you need to prove you can drive around town without running over any of the countless civilians who literally throw themselves under your wheels at every turn. Completing mission objectives makes the city safer, which means more civilians and less enemies in the streets.

Each civilian death evokes one of a small number of canned lectures from the pompous noise-spout. The more you play, the less fun the game gets. Brilliant!

I paid $20 for this game and played about six hours into it. I didn't get my money's worth, but I think it's time to stop chasing a sunk cost. The fun supply here is pretty low.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2011, 05:36:09 PM »

.....I've been on a Pokemon kick, lately. I get Pokemon White, back in March....then decided I had to get Heart Gold, Pearl, and Fire Red.

My favorite thing? The Action Replay I got, to go with it. Now all of my Pokemon are shiny. :U

I do not remember posting this. At all.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 12:36:53 PM by Madjack »


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2011, 12:40:09 PM »

I hate it when that happens.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2011, 11:49:26 PM »

Doesn't help that it was the day after surgery. Now I need to go through other forums, and find out what else I did....


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2011, 10:34:59 AM »

There are worse things to do while on psycho-active medication than to add cosmetic cheats to your games.

I've got this allergy medication that makes me crazy in scary ways.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2011, 11:36:29 AM »

Terraria 1.1 patch is out.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2011, 11:45:52 AM »

Hahaha. It'll probably be okay... but if you said anything particularly great, feel free to share in crazy quotes. XD

Blood, I heard that it made you crazy, but have had yet to hear exactly what you/your medication did... too crazy to say? :P
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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2011, 11:03:13 AM »

It wasn't so much things that I said as driving at 100 miles and hour and having baseless thoughts of suicide and violence.


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2011, 11:24:53 AM »

I'm like that, on a normal, non-medicated day...

It's mostly the not remembering things, that bothers me. Thankfully, I do not need to be medicated, when they put the permanent dentures/bridges/whatever, in. (though I need sedatives just to get a cleaning, so you never know...)

This topic has been derailed, by crazy medication. Crash Team Racing will fix that. 'Cause that's what I've been playing. Oh, man. Talk about nostalgia bomb...


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Re: What have you been playing?
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2011, 02:32:31 AM »

Alas, I never got into the Crash Bandicoot games, even when I had a PS1, it was for Final Fantasy (I, II. 5, Tactics) and Mega Man (Legends, Legends 2, X4).

Terraria and Skyrim be eating all my free time.

How am I supposed to teach myself more video editing techniques, like this?
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