Why would they do that!?!
Methinks the people that mistook you for that wore their grandmother's glasses by mistake.
You're telling me you do not see the rotund, deformed, masculine, squished butterfly / turkey-bomb!?!?!
And then my most recent stress-induced break-out doesn't help...
Someone at my school asked me if I had chicken-pox. I told her, "No, I have chicken-zits."
So now I am the rotund, deformed, masculine, squished butterfly / turkey-bomb with chicken-zits!
What do you behold, beholder!?!
But I shouldn't say that to you, 'cuz you're only helping, and that's very nice of you.
Congratulations, you've got brownie points. No, I have no clue what you're going to do with them, or what they are, for that matter... I just know that people get them for being nice and helping people.
I think I'm so a squished butterfly bomb, but whatever.
I don't like the stupid stuff 'cuz it's uncomfortable, it stinks, it's time-consuming, and not anything I see any reason in doing anything with.
Well... when I want to look weird, like on Halloween, I tend to wear it. I also usually crimp my hair, cause it makes me look even crazier, and it feels cool.
Though I'm not sure I want to do that this year, 'cuz there was a weird guy in my class that kept wanting to pet my hair...