Who... me?.. O.o
Well... if you
want suggestions...
His lower lip juts out too much. Maybe you could draw in more of Elora's lips, over his, or make his lower lip smaller, or both? And he doesn't have enough of a head (the back of his head needs to be larger. His headband wouldn't fit his head properly, that way, it would slip up. If it helps... I usually draw the shape of the head in, then add the face, and then the hair.)
Oh, and... if you don't mind my saying... Elora is either too skinny, or at a very difficult to imagine twist at the waist...
Also, Argon's coat is a bit dark, for that background, I think... but that may be just personal preference.
And Elora doesn't have much of a forehead... but that often is a part of particular styles. And I'm guessing Argon's pointed-looking ear is something to do with his being a dragon?
Sorry... that's a lot more than pickiness would explain... but you wouldn't want to see the lists I could write about my stuff...