Nailer is a fictional character from a video game called "Space Colony"
Think "The Sims" but with a fixed palette of characters (the majority of whom are maladjusted lunatics, outcast from normal society and forced to live on the fringes of known space), and set in a series of space colonies run by a corporate entity that makes EA Games look like a caring, small town operation, of elderly minonnite women. Your boss is evil, and he forces you to work the people under your command to the limits of human endurance.
Because your characters are all nuts, they don't make friends easily, but being in a dangerous environment with a bunch of homicidal lunatics they don't know, just increases their stress levels. Unless you want Nailer to take a flamethrower to his room mates, it's important to make sure everyone has friends they see on a regular basis.
If he starts complaining that nobody talks to him, things are about to go downhill, unless you do something fast.