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Author Topic: crazy quote  (Read 51502 times)


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #150 on: January 14, 2008, 07:26:00 PM »

All that text...

I know I have no room to speak, and it's usually not ap roblem, but I've gotta' hurry...   ;D
*Will read, later... so expect the delayed response...*


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #151 on: January 16, 2008, 11:53:00 AM »

One over Zero time!

Junior: What you need is an invincible fortress from which you can rule the land with an iron fist!"

Marcus: I don't know; an iron fist sounds a bit harsh. Maybe I could go for a firm but gentle angle.... .... .... A FIST OF CHEESE!


Junior: You said yourself that I was tainted by "evil". How did you expect me to turn out?

Tailsteak: Evil wasn't really the right word; Chaos is more like it. You were infused with the energies of a wacky slapstick universe.

Junior: You waited until the world was ending to tell me that! I based my entire life on that one word!

Ghanny: The world is ending and our fledgling civilization will be destroyed. It seems like we could have done so much more.

I Forget: What do you mean?

Ghanny: We wasted to much time with strikes, court trial and wars. Our greatest work of construction is called "The Hat Hut". Where are our feats of engineering and our great works of art.

Petitus: Marcus and I blew soap bubbles. They were real pretty.

Ghanny: Yes, but they didn't last. I wanted us to leave something behind.

Petitius: The Universe is ending. Nothing we build could outlive us.

Ghanny: I guess bubbles are really the most appropriate thing we could have made.


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #152 on: January 16, 2008, 01:10:00 PM »

Well..I'm still stuck on Heavenly Sword since the last comment I made. I was gonna post an amusing conversation between Flying Fox and Whiptail, but I can't remember exactly what he said. x_x

So I'll just post what I remember:
Flying Fox: *says something along the lines of "something smells fishy" then something about a rotting octopus and maggots crawling in it and some other stuff*
Whiptail: *dour glare* Hhssss!
Roach: I like laughing!


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #153 on: January 16, 2008, 05:19:00 PM »

Heh.   ;D

"Ap roblem..." >.<
I have just poor spelling....


My sister had rented some movies, and accidentally used the wrong phone number to rent them...
"I've stolen somebody's identity! I'm a prossecutor!!!"


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #154 on: January 16, 2008, 05:27:00 PM »

Heh...XD I hate it when I do stuff like that. >.< I can't verbally spell anything, or give out phone numbers either, for that matter. I have to write things down. :/


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #155 on: January 18, 2008, 12:00:00 AM »

Heh.   :)

I can't write, type, or speak without many flaes. >.<
I'm awful that way...   ;D

“I have met a lot of hardboiled eggs in my time, but you're twenty minutes.”


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #156 on: January 18, 2008, 10:12:00 AM »

I can't write, type, or speak without many flaes.

I really shouldn't laugh...but whether you did that on purpose or not, LOL's anyway. XD


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #157 on: January 18, 2008, 04:36:00 PM »



I did not mean to type that.
What's a "flae" anyway?   :P

It's fine by me.   ;D
I do it all the time, so if it wasn't.... I'd have some serious issues.

I don't care what is written about me, as long as it isn't true.


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #158 on: January 19, 2008, 01:08:00 PM »

A "flae" is a dyslexic, parasitic insect, usually found on cats and dogs.


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #159 on: January 19, 2008, 10:18:00 PM »

*Laugh!!*   :D

Hm... I do have issues. >.<

My Mom was asking people if they were hungry... and accidentally said this to my sister-
"Hey, are you drunk?"

Then, my sister spilled cocoa on the couch, and my Mom was trying to tell her not to drink cocoa on the couch, anymore -
"Don't drink couch on the... wait..."

She's been doing stuff like that all night. >.<


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #160 on: January 20, 2008, 09:51:00 AM »

XDD My gram-gram does things like that. She can't say "taquito", so every now & then she'll call 'em "tequilas". XD So now when she fixes them we always say "Hey, you making us some tequilas? =D"

*edits* Heh....guns and California:
Midnightclubx: BTW, I actually saw a rifle for sale at Wal-Mart one time. XD
Midnightclubx: How about u?
Fox: Texas, there's a whole isle full of guns. XD


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #161 on: January 20, 2008, 10:57:00 PM »

Heh... the names of foods...   ;D

When I was last at my grandma's, she fixed something called Chili Verde Fedeo.
It was very, very entertaining to observe my Mom and sister trying to pronounce it. (Kind of frightening to watch them eat it, though...)
For some reason, they found it very difficult - and I think it was 'cuz they were jus' all being goofy for the fun of it.
That stuff was good, though... I have to ask my grandma how to make it. XD
But it was a messy food... and, apparently, it was supposed to be that, if you didn't make a mes, you failed. They wouldn't leave me alone, about being the only one who didn't make a mes of it, yet having made such a mess murdering my taco...   :P

There's lots of guns, here, too.   :P

"Crazy is a relative term in my family!"


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #162 on: January 21, 2008, 02:32:00 PM »

"So, basically, you're doing fine and dandy, then all of a sudden this unhappy, icky feeling sneaks up on you?"
~My doctor, today. XDD

It was funny, because that's exactly what I call it. XP


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #163 on: January 22, 2008, 11:22:00 AM »

Ah, doctors.

Some stuff from the book "Good Omens," by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
Some of these may go on for a bit...


Bringing about the Apocalypse may be hazardous to your health.  Do no attempt it at home"
(That's the actual caveat they put on the legal page...)

 "In vain did he point out its 823cc engine, its 3-speed gearbox, its encredible safety devices like the balloons which inflated on dangerous occasions such as when you were doing 45mph on a straight dry road but were about to crash because a huge safety balloon had just obscured the view."

"Milton Keynes is a new city approximately halfway between London and Birmingham.  It was built to be modern, efficient, healthy, and, all in all, a pleasant place to live.  Many Britons find this amusing."


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Re: crazy quote
« Reply #164 on: January 23, 2008, 06:43:00 PM »

*Laugh!!!*   :D

What was that book about, and where did you get it!?!   ;D
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