Okay people, here's the deal.
I've been looking for a thing and I can't find it. It's a website that existed in 2007, that I can't remember the name of and am unable to locate, even with my advanced Google-Fu honed over years of software piracy.
It's a webcomic constructed from random panels, all of which have the same picture, but different text.
The picture depicts a man slouched at a bar and a bartender polishing a class, in greyscale.
In the first panel the bartender ask a question, such as "What's the trouble mate?" drawn from a small pool of potential questions.
I believe the second panel never held text or balloons.
In the third panel the man makes a confession, drawn from a large pool of user submitted content. These range from admitting that he cheated on his diet to confession his eternal love for Birdo, or even the bartender himself.
The final panel contains a random reaction statement from the bartender, from a fixed pool, ranging from "Well, who doesn't?" to "Get out of my bar!"
I believe the author linked to Bandito Loves Kitty, citing it as his inspiration for using user entered dialogue, but BLK does not link back to it.
I don't know that the site still exists, but whoever finds it earns 1000 points.