First I was noting my spelling errors, on my earlier reply. Then I was talking about how I'd thought that the forum told other how old they were, unless told otherwise, or something. Then I realized I'd never seen the age of anyone else on here, before, so how should I expect others to know how old I was? After that, I asked how old everyone was, anyway.
And then there was that bit about accents.
Heh... I think it's funny, too.
And entertaining.
As well as impressive...
I don't think I can make the sounds right, to sound like a particular accent, or anything... but then, I've never really tried around other people. I suppose I think I'll sound, er... weird or something, maybe... which is strange, because I am not afraid of other's thinking me silly, or stupid or anything.
(Jitters... I get those too easily. They prevent me from doing a lot of things, too...)
Once my friend said I should have an accent, because of the way I talk. She actually thought that my lack of an accent was amusing... it was supposedly because I'd said, "Pity, that." a lot.