I tend to get about six hours or less of sleep... and I wonder what it must be like to sleep that long. (I don't recall having ever done so.)
Unless it's weekends. I get about eight to nine, then... but, once in a while, I'll get ten if I didn't get enough sleep during the week. But that usually doesn't happen unless I get between four and no hours of sleep on those late school nights...
Um, anyway...
I'll tell ya' what I think about those, when I see 'em.
Hm... for Christmas, my intentions/hopes are to have my family be happy, together, and to be happy with them.
Heh... I need to get-to on my Christmas shopping...
A wish list?
A few things, on that, too...
I want to spend a lot of time with someone... and for God to answer my prayers about it. But that's kinda before and after, I think.
Also, I want, as I said, earlier, my family to be happy together.
I want to help people, and make it possible for someone who would have struggled to have a pleasant Christmas celebrate with ease...
And... I want my friends get along with each other, and me.
I want to give back at least a little of what I've been given...
If my family could get through some rough spots, it'd be great.
Well... it goes on, but, really, I don't need to keep talking. I already do too much of that.
Later (after watching the videos):
Well, your family doesn't seem too strange...
(You don't know mine...
You should have seen us a Fourth of July or so ago...
They were jumping , and convinced me to jump, through the fountain fireworks on a street in town...