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Author Topic: Christmas! =D  (Read 63720 times)


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Christmas! =D
« on: November 28, 2007, 08:26:00 AM »

Geez..doesn't seem like the year 2007 is almost over. *sigh* It wasn't so long ago that we had our family Christmas party and my dad was running around with fireworks.


As you can see..I have a really weird family..espescially around the holidays. XD

Anywho. Doing anything special for Christmas? What's on your wishlist? WHAT IS WITH GINGERBREAD MEN?? D=

*cough* We'll most likely be going to see the Nutcracker in Houston sometime next month. As for my's rather long. As long as I get those fox pajamas and a Wacom/some sort of tablet I'll be happy. =3 Oo....I gotta get a picture of my purpley blue tree and pirate Santa sometime....


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 10:32:00 AM »

I plan on sleeping in as much as possible.


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 11:08:00 AM »

Hah..that's a good way to spend the holidays. XD I've been sleeping 14+ hours a night..I don't think I'll be sleeping in this time. @.@


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2007, 03:47:00 PM »

I tend to get about six hours or less of sleep... and I wonder what it must be like to sleep that long. (I don't recall having ever done so.)
Unless it's weekends. I get about eight to nine, then... but, once in a while, I'll get ten if I didn't get enough sleep during the week. But that usually doesn't happen unless I get between four and no hours of sleep on those late school nights...   :P
Um, anyway...

I'll tell ya' what I think about those, when I see 'em.

Hm... for Christmas, my intentions/hopes are to have my family be happy, together, and to be happy with them.

Heh... I need to get-to on my Christmas shopping...   ;D

A wish list?
A few things, on that, too...
I want to spend a lot of time with someone... and for God to answer my prayers about it. But that's kinda before and after, I think.   :)
Also, I want, as I said, earlier, my family to be happy together.
I want to help people, and make it possible for someone who would have struggled to have a pleasant Christmas celebrate with ease...
And... I want my friends get along with each other, and me.
I want to give back at least a little of what I've been given...
If my family could get through some rough spots, it'd be great.
Well... it goes on, but, really, I don't need to keep talking. I already do too much of that.   ;D

Later (after watching the videos):

Well, your family doesn't seem too strange...
(You don't know mine...   ;D )
You should have seen us a Fourth of July or so ago...
They were jumping , and convinced me to jump, through the fountain fireworks on a street in town...


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2007, 04:21:00 PM »

XD list sounds so shallow compared to yours. o.O

~The only reason I've been sleeping so much is due to my unfortunate demise. T.T I usually sleep about 4-5 hours.

Jumping through fireworks? Huh...hope my dad doesn't see that. He'll get ideas. XD


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2007, 10:30:00 PM »

Heh... I'm sure it isn't, really.
These are just the things I want, as the things on your list are the things you want. And, at any rate, I'm sure you want these things, for you and yours, as well. These lists are simply of different varieties.
My only thought on the matter was that, well... what would I care if I had any material possession that I wanted, if I didn't have what I mentioned in my list? I would trade any of my things to make that a reality, this Christmas...
I'm sure you just figured that went without saying, so you just listed other types of things. But I, to be quite honest, wouldn't care if I didn't get gifts this year. What do I need in the form of material things? I've actually kinda wished, at times, that my family wouldn't get me gifts... what a waste of money. But, I figure that if they're anything like me, then giving gifts makes them happy... and I want them to be happy. So I just said what I want... and that is what I want.

Yeah... and that's not the worst done.
(I won't tell him if you won't.)


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2007, 08:46:00 AM »

Christmas is my favorite holiday...though I don't think I'll be getting anyone a gift.  I might manage to make some, though.

As for the comics, I should be able to get some imagery done, since this semester ends the 16th.  That'll leave me 9 days...'course, I'll probably have other stuff to get done, too.

I avoid writing wish lists, unless I'm asked.  I prefer to see if anybody knows what I'd like--which is probably why I usually end up getting art supplies.


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2007, 09:41:00 AM », too. XD Eh, get art supplies, I mean. A majority of the gifts I get on any occasion usually consists of art supplies and electronic stuff. Every now and then I'll get giant packages of beef jerky and Dr Pepper jelly beans.

I need to get started on a Christmas*skutters off to sketch*


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2007, 04:15:00 PM »

*Laugh!!!*   :D

Yeah, Christmas is my favorite  holiday, too.   :)
I didn't say so, earlier, though... oh wait... actually, I did. A while back... and someone else's response to that, for it was a question, was, "My Birthday."
I don't know why I remember that... I'm not even sure who said that.   :P

I don't tend to make them, either. But this is the first time somebody asked me about my list, in... a really long time.... so I had to think about it.   :)
Hm... one of my latter sentences sounded somewhat confusing...   ;D

I think I have an idea, for something, now... *Tehehehe...*

Perhaps I should make something for Christmas, too.   :)

I tend to get art supplies, as well.
It's great, 'cuz a year's about the time it takes until I start wanting new ones.    ;D

Hm. I finally know what the book It's hard to look Cool when Your Car's full of Sheep is about.
Has anyone heard about that book?

What are you guys's favorite things about Christmas?



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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2007, 05:03:00 PM »

... and someone else's response to that, for it was a question, was, "My Birthday."
I don't know why I remember that... I'm not even sure who said that.   :P should be a holiday. >.>


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2007, 05:23:00 PM »

*Laugh!!!*   :D
I wondered if it was you, but I wasn't completely sure...   ;D

Somewhat random question:
If it were a holiday, what would you call it, and what would happen on it?


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2007, 10:24:00 AM »


Starting today, June 20th will forever be known as the National Day of Getting Sugar High.


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2007, 01:59:00 PM »

*Laugh!!!*   :D

All right... my only opposition with that going national would be the destruction caused by the millions of sugar-crazed ninnies.
A day to hide...

What would you all do if you could make your Birthdays into holidays?


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2007, 09:50:00 AM »

I'd have the International Day of Sleeping which everyone would sleep through it.

I'd get my presents the day after...or several months after, as seems to usually be the case around here, anyway.


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Re: Christmas! =D
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2007, 11:07:00 PM »

That sounds like a good one... I'd like that... just one day out of the entire year I could just sleep through...   ;D

Hehehe... yeah... six months...
I'll try not to do it again, honest!

Yet another reason to want a driver's license, while simultaneously not wanting one at all...   :P
I haven't even gotten the chance to go to a decent store for Christmas shopping long enough to get much in the past two months, 'cuz my parents always go when I'm gone.
I hope they'll take me with them, here soon...   :-/
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