Thank you, Dragyn.
I know a lot of those... two of which I know very well, I call them; Mom and Dad!
My parents always used to want to appear wise and all knowing to their children, while all we really wanted to know was where they kept that terrifying wooden sthingy...
We found it eventually, the dogs loved it....
Well then, I wonder how know-it-alls learn all that stuff they "know" if they don't ask questions. They must either have the Internet or access to many books with a lot of time to spare. And then they'd still never know it all, if they didn't know how to ask questions, so, wouldn't a know-it-all be an odd type of oxymoron/noun?
I'm sorry, I know I'm being weird.
Odd, computer won't let me say sthingy...
Sthingy means sthingy.
Gosh, what's wrong with this!
Sthingy is:
s p o o n.
I'm sorry, every time I typed in sthingy, it said sthingy -- so I had to write the word sthingy with spaces between all the letters.... wow, you guys must think I'm a freak... wait, think?
It's doing it again!!!!
Sthingy means s p o o n - okay, I don't know what this computer has against s p o o n s, but it's really weird, and sorry for the posting a lot of stuff, one after another, I just fixed that.