I don't think I ever pick a feminine name....maybe on the rare occasion. About 95% of the names I choose are my character's names. The only others are Gruetzner Chihuahua, SuperScoobyGirl, and Oogie Boogie. Gruetzner's and Taqueria Chihuahua are places in Giddings, and combining the two just sounded fun. XD Oogie Boogie was at RPU, but only because I made a rule about moderaters changing their names, and it'd be kinda awkward if I broke it myself. SSG..because..well..I consider myself the world's biggest Scooby fan. ^__^ Had lots of stuff custom made for me, and I know pretty much everything there is to know about anything Scooby related.
Other names are all OC names. Invader Fox/Fox, Aara, Velociraptor, Gavial, Alex, OddBall/Sydney, Pooky, PyroKat/pk1337, Fuego and Jax/Jax the Dragonslayer are the most common ones. I usually just tend to stick with Invader Fox, pk1337 and OddBall, though.