Hmm...haven't said anything here in a while.
Ignore everything above here, as for updates. That's all Java stuff, and I'm using XNA for this, now. XNA is working quite well.
So...what I've got so far:
March 22, 2010:
XNA Redesign in progress, and has been for some time.
To Date:
--Rudimentary platforming engine (re)constructed. Gravity added.
--Platforms to stand on and blocks to run into re-implemented.
--Bullet lists added, and basic functionality restored.
--Mitz Aeori implemented as player character. Walk, standing attack, fall and jump animations added.
--Jump Attack and crouch attack functionality restored.
--Xbox controls added.
--Local Multiplayer control loop implemented.
March 23, 2010:
-HUD re-implemented
-Re-implemented decorative props.
-Re-implemented Traps and Hazards (Acid and Lightning traps), with Invul and Knockback
- Hazards are a subclass of Sprite, and use the Sprite draw function, allowing me to leverage the Sprite's built-in Stretch/Loop image, as well as the newly-added animated Sprite (for which you add an array of Textures instead of a single texture in the constructor)
-Add Death Animation to Mitz
March 24, 2010:
-Minor bug handling changes.
March 25, 2010:
-Sprite rotation handling added. Call function setRotationInc(float angle) to set up the rotation. Origin will be centered.
-Hazard class rotation handled. Moves the collision rectangle to reflect the centered origin.
-Idle Animation added to Mitz
-Fall Attack animation and functionality added to Mitz.
-Walk animation bug fixed. Now shows all frames of animation, rather that all but the last.
-Hero graphics load script optimizations.
March 26, 2010:
-Allow for "zoning" between maps. (Offload one map, load up the next, put people in fairly close approximations to their previous positions.)
-Added bullet collisions between players. You can't shoot yourself, and a Boolean value is to be set to determine whether team damage is on.
March 27, 2010:
-"Impact" graphics added. A cartoon-esque burst appears whenever damage is dealt, or a bullet hits a wall.
-Added destructible objects (Doors). Such objects have graphics for full health, half health, and dead.
March 28, 2010:
-Item handling added. Falling items will bounce, and items will slide off the edge of platforms they aren't all the way on.
-Medkit item added. Heals 25 HP.
-Dead players who somehow gain health, by medkit, cheat, or theoretical special ability, now come back to life.