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Author Topic: List o' chars  (Read 8986 times)


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List o' chars
« on: December 11, 2007, 12:48:00 PM »

I think I'll just put Fuego up here for now, though I'll skip the background due to it being rewritten, and the fact that it's a tad on the "mature" side. (strong violence and some language) The only other characters I have a bio written for are mostly Teen Titan-related..I might put Alex up later, though. 'Cause she's just fun. =3

Name: Christepher Garza

Alias: Fuego

Current Age: 408

Time period: Past, present, future(o.o)

Race: Human/vampire/fox/eagle/spirit....let's just say Puerto Rican.

Disorders: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Powers: Fire creation, immunity to fire.

Weaknesses: Although he's immortal, all injuries do not immediately heal. A stab wound or gunshot might heal up within a few seconds, but more severe wounds would take much longer. Aside from that, there's the OCD.

Personality: Aside from being an insane neat-freak, Fuego is actually a very nice person to be around. Every now & then he'll pop out a sarcastic remark, but when somebody else does he usually doesn't get it & takes it seriously.

Most often said quote: "Darnit! Not again!"

Random notes:
Fuego is posessed by a fire spirit the locals called "Lysigo", which is half fox and half eagle.
Fuego is half vampire. When Lysigo entered his body, he took control of Fuego's demon side, to make sure that no more harm would come to anybody else.


~For an idea that may or may not flop like it did elsewhere~
(NOTE: this next bit is an entirely made-up thing..I'm not really sure about gryphon-dragon relationship in mythology. It's all part of the story..when I get around to posting it. XD)

Name: Dragos

Gender: Male

Species: Gryphon

Age: Unknown

Personality: Generally nice, but confuses easily. He's not stupid at all, just has a short attention span. Either that, or he's choosing to ignore you. Dragos is also the type who would rather spend his days sleeping & maybe every now & then eating.

Special traits: Obviously, one of the first things noticed about Dragos is his purple color. Reason for this isn't known, & it doesn't seem to bother Dragos at all. He tends to like being different. Another trait is his beak. It's slightly longer than a Gryphon's beak typically is.

Likes: Sleeping, eating.....that's about it.
Hates: Dragons, & to some degree humans, though he'd never hurt one.


Time period: It depends on the RP. For now, about 10th century A. D.

Gryphons & dragons 101: Gryphons & dragons..both so alike, yet so different. For centuries, the two species quarrelled, & sometimes their battles have made it's way into human civilization, ending in many injuries & deaths. Therfor many countries made a law stating that the two creatures be forever separated, gryphons on one country, dragons on another. Which to be where was determained by the king. Some gryphons ended up in France, including Dragos. Many dragons ended up in Italy. Peace may have finally come between the warring species. Unless, dare one speak of it, one entered another's territory. The tresspassing creature was ordered to be slain, if caught. If the other chose to fight, it too, was to be slain. Dragos wasn't the type to be confined to one place, & longed to return to Italy. Surely it would bring certain death, but he took the chance & returned home, trying not to be seen by either human nor dragon eyes.

Name: Argon

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Age: Unknown

Personality: Argon isn't friendly towards people that don't give him a good impression. This isn't to say he's not nice. Argon is nice to those who are nice to him, others he shuns away or tollerates, if he must. If he must tollerate one, he usually quips some hateful remarks to them.

Special traits: The first thing people notice, and often tease about, is his size. Argon is a very small dragon, so he tends to like being alone. Also once he's riled, one might notice his green fire.

Likes: Being alone, coffee
Hates: Gryphons, mean people, other dragons, Zokar


Time period: It depends on the RP. For now, 10th century A.D.

Gryphons & dragons 101: Gryphons & dragons..both so alike, yet so different. For centuries, the two species quarrelled, & sometimes their battles have made it's way into human civilization, ending in many injuries & deaths. Therfor many countries made a law stating that the two creatures be forever separated, gryphons on one country, dragons on another. Which to be where was determained by the king. Some gryphons ended up in France, many dragons ended up in Italy. Peace may have finally come between the warring species. Unless, dare one speak of it, one entered another's territory. The tresspassing creature was ordered to be slain, if caught. If the other chose to fight, it too, was to be slain. Argon was pleased to be rid of the "pests", as he puts them. However, as fate would have it, he found an unlikely friendship with the species he hates the most.


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2007, 02:08:00 PM »

I can't see the first picture...   :P

Good others, though.   ;)
I like the dragon.   :)


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2007, 03:07:00 PM »

Ooo.  I was a little skeptic reading that, but I like 'em.  I wonder how Fuego interacts with someone who's the exact opposite of him.. hehehe.


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2007, 03:32:00 PM »

Heh..a bit on the insane side. XD He's by far the second most fun character of mine to rp with. =3


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2007, 05:00:00 PM »

Hmm...Fuego's appearance reminds me of Vapyr, of my own mythos...

I think I'll sit out, at least 'till I choose a character, or make one up.


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2007, 06:50:00 PM »

Looks like fox was waiting for a sub board like this!


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2007, 10:56:00 AM »

*Laugh!!!*   :D

I just got to reading all of 'em.   ;D

Might I ask, why the hatred?

Hehehe... a dragon that likes coffee...
Hence the size?   :P

Gr... I still can't see Fuego...
But, I saw a little. (A bit of his head, the tops of his wings and his flying fire friend.)
You've posted him, elsewhere, on this forum, haven't you?


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2007, 11:10:00 AM »

Huzzabuwha? Hatred? I think I lost you there....

~Waiting? Heh. It doesn't have so much to do with waiting as it does with the fact that I have over 400 characters, and didn't know who to post. Actually, that's just an estimate. It's more likely in the 1,000's. Anywho~

*I don't think I did. I might have and not realized it..wait..yes. I did. In that fox post. XD I'm pretty sure he was one of the links in that....


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2007, 12:16:00 PM »

Heh...   :)
Gryphons + Dragons = angry hateful war-thing.   :P


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2007, 02:23:00 PM »

Ah. That. All for that particular story plot RP type thing. When I think of a name for it, I'll try it out here.


Just a note..1: she's no longer associated with Teen Titans South. 2: You may have heard of TTS elsewhere, if you're into Teen Titans, but I started the original RP.

Name: Alex Crowe

Age: 21

Powers: Extreme strength; can channel pure energy through solid objects

Weapons: Long, crooked wooden staff. Sometimes she'll use her spiked bands as weapons. Also carries "spare staff" at all times.

Weakness: Extreme tempertures & light.

Personality: As violent & cranky as Alex seems, she's..well..actually not much different inside. She usually befriends people because of their persistencey, but she'd rather be alone most of the time. This is not to say, however, that she won't strike a random conversation on the extremely rare occassion.

Alliance: Good

Quote: "Well whoop-de-freakin'-do."

When she was five years old, Alex was the normal, girly, bubbly child one would expect. Her parents never did have a good relationship with her, nor her 15 year old brother, Jacob. The two siblings were pretty much left to fend for themselves.

Alex's parents were raised in Brazil, & that's where they lived. Jacob looked after his little sister, & she loved him very much so. As Alex grew older, she discovered she had a power to channel energy through solid objects, just like her brother. He taught her how to control her new powers & use them for good.

For years, things seemed to be going as well as they possibly could. Except for one thing. Alex knew their dad had anger problems, but he always just threw things into the wall. What she didn't know is that he would constantly blame things on Jacob & even hit him. When she walked in on an argument one day, was when she vowed to get them both out. Wiping the blood off her brother's nose, Alex told him that she wanted to take them both somewhere far away, and she got that chance a few years later.

Shortly after Alex turned 17, she secretly stole as much of her parent's money as she could find, to buy plane tickets to America. She begged for Jacob to come along, but for some reason she didn't know he refused. But he told her to go without him, and as soon as possible. So she did.

Alex purchased a cheap ticket to Luisianna, and stayed there for a short while. Alone for the first time, she began looking for someplace that might take her in untill she could get on her feet. Her only posession was a long staff her brother carved for her, & a pair of red tinted goggles he got her for her birthday a few years back.

Eventually, she learned about the Teen Titans South, & thought she'd give it a shot. They accepted her, & she had a new home. Two years later, Jacob was able to trace her wherabouts & told her that he was getting the next flight up there. Alex was of course delighted to hear the news, but it all ended in tragedy. Halfway there, one of the turbines exploded & the plane came crashing down in Mexico. The incident was reported terrorist, & Alex swore she'd track the people down. After this happened, Alex stopped talking to people & gained a very unlikable personality. Eventually, she quit Titans South & went out on her own.

Alex now lives in Las Vegas, but travels quite frequently. Still bitter towards the people that killed her brother, & usally not very trusting towards other people. Even though it takes some time to gain her friendship, it's well worth it.



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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2008, 04:50:00 PM »

fox, did you do that yourself?

here's my character. i only have one that's thought through in enough detail to write about for now, and it's ME!
... er, my alter-ego you see in the avatar


NAME: Drakeil Magnus
Goes by "Dragon"

AGE: Currently 16 1/2

ABILITIES AND ATTRIBUTES: Draconic strength, Pyrokenysis (mentally controlling/ creating fire), Also able to absorb fire, Fire Breath, Flight, Telescopic Vision, Hypersensetive Smell/Touch/Hearing, Moderate Invulnerability, Near Supersonic Speed (very physically draining  though), Can distinguish Good/Evil/ through Hypersenses, Can also detect familliar/unfamilliar presences

WEAPONS: Fire Breath, A large sword he calls the "Dragon Blade", also uses tail as a third arm or to whip enemies

WEAKNESSES: Extreme cold, Pure shadow energy, Being hungry

PERSONALITY: Dragon is a happy-go-lucky guy, most of the time. He has a good sense of humor which, around good friends, can sometimes get out of hand. He's a natural leader, though sometimes, he like to do his own thing. Don't you dare pull out a copy of Super Smash Bros. or he'll beat you to a virtual pulp... actually, you don't want to verse him in any video game, really. In a tough situation, you can count on him to find the silver lining. Almost nothing dampens this dude's spirits... except hunger and boredom. If food is left out, he'll eat it, so you better call dibs on something before it's gone. With all this power, you'd think he'd either be a power-hungry nutso super villian, or some self righteous super jock. But to Dragon, it's just every day life with his roomies Leaf, and Matt.


QUOTE: "What is Robin's deal? Everything he says is like 'Holy redundancies, Batman!'"

i've got it down and everything, i just can't right now 'cause i got to go fix up our house for fumigation and then we're headin' out for a hotel the rest of the week.


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2008, 04:16:00 PM »

I think I missed the last bit by Fox... >.<

What was it fumigated for?

I've been meaning to ask... what does mrlddragon stand for (outside of dragon?)


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2008, 06:08:00 PM »

I just edited the other post..s'okay.

Fumigation, eh? Yick. My aunt had to do that, once. I think they just tossed a bug bomb in, though. I'd hate to go through all that mess..not being at home, and such..especially considering my cats, lizards, and Scout. I wouldn't know what to do with 'em. >.<


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2008, 03:59:00 PM »

Heh... I just realized how stupid my former question sounded...   :P

We've done that at my house, a number of times, but we generally just do that when we're already going somewhere, for something, anyway.
Like camping, or visiting family...
We just cover up the fishtank, and find someone to take care of the birds, here. Also, we lock the cats out, which we do when we're gone, anyway.


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Re: List o' chars
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2008, 11:14:00 PM »

actually... it was cancled because of our neighbor's wife. she lied about not getting a notice for it, and being in a military family on base housing (and a duplex at that) and because there's no proof of her getting a notice or not... *inhales*... it was cancled!
so the military payed for our 200$+ wasted on throwing out parishable food and stuff and we only stayed 2 days and 1 night at the hotel...

it was actually good for everyone actually. half of us were sick and with fevers right before we got there (o.=.o)

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