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Messages - Faith

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General / Re: Crazy Quotes
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:02:48 PM »
I cringed a little when I read that. Then, despite myself, I giggled... because there was someone sitting right next to me that I could horrify with this just to watch their reaction. XD XP

So yeah, Skyrim joke... haha.
Dragyn was killing a dragon (haha, Dragyn killing dragon... :P ) and glowy things happen, as usual. Someone who was watching thought it was funny to say something about how he was eating dragon souls.
I was in the room, lying on the floor and kinda' sleepy-gargle-salkhfdaf... but I overheard this and managed to throw in something to the extent of "The breakfast of champions!"
People seemed to think that was sort of amusing... :B

Arts / Re: Where the random goes...
« on: December 25, 2011, 01:49:43 AM »
Well shucks... heh. ^-^
It's nice of you to say that, but I think I still can learn a lot from you guys, and it's made a real difference having a good, friendly bunch to get a little bit of feedback and positive critiquing from. :)

Arts / Re: Where the random goes...
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:42:51 PM »
On that dragon chick?
You mean before or after I uploaded it?
It looks pretty close to like it does in person, there. Just not as smoothly/flowingly put together.
It's a real pain to get anything done on paper, in general, to show up correctly on the computer on account of the cruddy scanner at my disposal. :P
I thought I'd explained it in the picture description, but I guess I forgot. XD

I scanned in the original, and it wasn't pretty. It was all grainy and the shading and colors where very sad and pitiful. It annoys me so much when it does that, 'cuz I spend all this time trying to make good quality lines, colors, blending and shading... and then the scanner eats it ALL and spits it back out. O.o
So I put a very slight Gaussian blur on all of it in Paint.NET, and that deals with most of the graininess.
Then I made a duplicate layer and turned it off for a while as I upped the saturation on the bottom layer to make the colors look right. Do that with any colors to make them pop, no matter how dull they might've been in the first place. :P
Careful, though. Doing that too much make the colors choppy. It did that a little to mine, but I was just trying to make it look like the original, so it wasn't too bad.
Then I made the top layer visible and made it black and white, set it's mode to multiply and made it slightly more transparent to restore most of my shading.

Is that what you wanted to know?

General / Re: Crazy Quotes
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:21:36 PM »
Hahahaha... XD
Blood, I read that and started laughing so loud, I thought I'd wake up the person sleeping on the floor...
*Pokes Dragyn with toe*
But he's still sleeping... :P

Facebook can be a source for great quotes... XD XP

"My cat was chewing on the Christmas tree lights when they were on... i was in the shower.... my mom was baking banana bread... setting the stage for awesomeness...
My cat got shocked, peed all over all of the presents and tore up the tree. My mom starts screaming for me, so I grab a towel and run out--there's cat pee everywhere, the cat is hissing under the couch and just then the dinner company shows up, watching me move a horrible-smelling, pee-covered Christmas tree, half-naked..... kind of a big deal."

General / Re: What have you been playing?
« on: December 20, 2011, 06:27:39 PM »
I misspelled maniacally... :P

AND you keep laughing at my failures in coordination. XP

Arts / Re: Where the random goes...
« on: December 17, 2011, 11:07:25 PM »
Oi, it's been a while... *dusting off old thread*
Well, I've not really got a lot to show for myself. :P
But I have actually started using the Deviantart account I made for myself about a year or something ago. XD XP
Which is cool, I guess. Only I forgot to post the things in there that aren't from high school that I have already posted on there. XP
At either rate, I'm taking full advantage of this account as a means of ditching the awful and terrible photobucket.
It eated so many pictures! D:

So yeah. Here's... the only two things on there that count as recent and almost moderately tolerable, quality-wise. XP
My first sketch dump and a weird... dragon-beast lady... thing. As I said somewhere in the comments of the dragon thing, anatomical errors run rampant, there. But it was mostly for the concept, anyway.

General / Re: Crazy Quotes
« on: December 17, 2011, 10:53:43 PM »
Haha, wow... these are great... XP

Well, a week or some ago, we had a game night where a matter of possession was being discussed... so I recalled a diplomatic method of settling such matters that someone once told to me... it can be boiled down to one perfectly elegant phrase.

"I dun' peed on it 'n now it's mine."

Someone there really took a liking to it and continued to use it all night... :P
"Yeah, that couch you're sitting on? I dun' peed on it 'n now it's mine. You see that cup? That cup you're drinking out of? I dun' peed on it 'n now it's mine."

I've been a little out of sorts, today. Must be something to do with the lack of sleep thing. Like not sleeping last night. Yeah. Something like that.
So much sugar.
And I forgot the word "diplomatic." How on Earth did I forget THAT word.
It was like that one day in first grade all over again... when I forgot the word "cat." O.o
(I NEVER said I was bright.)
So, in an attempt to remember this word... not so much so that I could use it here but becuase it somehow seemed tremendously wrong that I forget this word, but I didn't remember the word so I didn't know why it was so terrible that I forgot it... but somehow I knew... ... ...
Anyway. In an attempted to remember this word, I was consulting Dragyn and I guess he wasn't completely listening to my half-coherent rambles about a word. I was giving him hints about what it seemed to almost mean in my memory...
"It's used a lot to describe Libra personalities!"
I don't know why I said that, knowing that he knows nothing about zodiac signs.
"I'm a Libra." >.<
"What? I thought you said 'leaders.'"
And honestly, I don't really know why I know zodiac signs, either, seeing as they seem to hold little relevance to me... besides being a somewhat cool concept. XP

... ... ...
Oh, man...
I think I've hit that stage of tired when I just start spouting idiotic nonsense and feeling a little dizzy... ... ...
Later, I will probably come back and read what I have said, and feel a deep sense of regret. XD XP

General / Re: What have you been playing?
« on: December 17, 2011, 10:04:38 PM »
... O.o
I feel mildly responsible for this terribly depressing tangent. XP
Yeah, it stinks to be like that in a non-medicated way, too... but then you giggle at something stupid and the world seems slightly better for just a moment.
(Secret to happiness: slap on an idiotic grin and giggle dumbly at EVERYTHING. Or, ya' know... that cheesy saying that they stick on every conceivable surface these days. Live, laugh, leprechauns... or something like that. I think I like my version better. But I don't know... there's just something about those leprechauns... O.o Okay, well, whatever works for you... but you'd better be laughing hysterically/stupidly/manically, or whatever works for you, when you go!)

And hey, we're actually talking about something I'll know a tiny portion about!!! :D
I've been sort of playing Skyrim... sometimes. Mostly when I get home and no one else is here and I don't feel like being productive.
In the last week or so, I think I traveled to one or two other cities. And I took everything they would let me have. XD XP
This sounds scoffable, I know, but in the two times I did this (someone deleted my first character... *cough cough, Dragyn...* O.< ) I learned how to walk in straight lines, which was NO LAUGHING MATTER.
(Only that contradicts my secret to happiness. D: Perhaps you should laugh, just to be safe. You would have, anyway, if you were there. XP )

General / Re: Movie night!
« on: December 17, 2011, 09:38:44 PM »
So it's tomorrow, right?
And... I don't actually know what time it is here when it's 8pm-2am in Texas. :P
It's 9:40-ish, here, now... does my post show up as 11:40-ish there, or...?

Arts / Re: Random things, of the art sort
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:50:15 AM »
Cute fluffeh monsters. :D

That's cool.
What kind of contest?
To make up monsters? Haha.
'Cuz that might be fun. :P

General / Re: What have you been playing?
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:45:52 AM »
Hahaha. It'll probably be okay... but if you said anything particularly great, feel free to share in crazy quotes. XD

Blood, I heard that it made you crazy, but have had yet to hear exactly what you/your medication did... too crazy to say? :P

General / Re: The joy of evil.
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:41:37 AM »
That's hilarious... XD
I know your pain. Not through video games, perhaps, but still. :P

General / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:40:12 AM »
It does look pretty interesting. My first thought was that a little soft guy voice like that doesn't seem like something that would come out of the brawny hulking fella dancing with that girl. Then I found out he was giant flea. So, who knows. :P
Still, interesting. :)

I'm listening to Dio's "Holy Diver."
The music video is super cheesy, but I think I can let that go, considering the time frame. XD

General / Re: Movie night!
« on: December 09, 2011, 08:55:42 AM »
Hahaha. That could be entertaining. What is the Christmas special?

General / Re: Crazy Quotes
« on: December 09, 2011, 08:54:57 AM »
That is... terrible... and very hilarious, yes. XD

The other day a guy was talking to a little boy when the kid found out that the guy had a wife.
Kid: "You have a wife?"
Guy: "Yeah, it's great--she makes my food for me!"
Kid: "I want a wife..."
Someone joins conversation: "Maybe when you're older. Like, 25 or something."
Kid: "I'll wait until I'm ten. THEN I'll get a wife!"

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