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Spoiler Tag


With Tvorsk's help, we now have a Spoiler tag, which collapses the enclosed text behind a button.

The tag is [ spoiler ]whatever[ /spoiler ] without the spaces within the brackets.

Javascript has to be enabled for it to work, though.


Do we need a spoiler protocol?

Do non-spoiler spoiler tags need to be marked, so people know it is okay to open them, or should we just let people do that on a case-by-case basis?

[spoiler]Vader actually IS Luke's lost father, not his murderer.[/spoiler]

Not really a spoiler.
[spoiler]BLah Blah Blah, this goes on for pages and is entirely skippable. Why leave it in the post at all?[/spoiler]

I actually wanted it for the SW Update thread.  I was getting sort of tired of scrolling past my own walls o' text every time I went to add more to it.


[spoiler=Not actually a spoiler]I can give them titles by putting [ spoiler=(title goes here) ] in the spoiler tag.[/spoiler]

Real Spoilers
[spoiler=Citizen Kane] It was his sled.[/spoiler]



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